Everything you need to know about visiting Skomer is available on the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales website, as they manage the island under a lease from Natural Resources Wales.

Day trips

I will be leading a limited number of small group day trips in 2025.  These will be for 5-7 people on the following Fridays in June and July:

13th June (SOLD OUT), 20th June (SOLD OUT), 27th June (SOLD OUT), 4th July (SOLD OUT) **

To secure a place on one of these trips, please email me (info@westcoastbirdwatching.co.uk) as soon as possible, as I will only purchase boat / landing tickets when I reach the minimum of 5 people.  The cost is £85 per person, including both the boat fare and landing fee (which are £44 per person plus booking fee).

If you would prefer a private trip (from 1 person upwards, and on dates other than those above), you will need to contact me to arrange a suitable date, and then book tickets for you / your party plus me. The landing trips to Skomer from Mid April to the end of July can sell out very quickly, so it is best to be organised book your trip early. Visit the Dale Sailing Pembrokeshire Islands boat trips website for more information.

** additional dates may be available, please enquire for details

Wildlife Trust Monday guided walks

I will not be leading any Monday guided walks in 2025.

Residential events

I will not be leading any residential events in 2025.